The ad agency baseball team analogy – how agencies are really run

There's an analogy I've been tossing around for a few years to just about any ad pro that will listen. And yes, there are exceptions to my little theory so just take it for what it's worth - a little fun. Most large ad agencies are like Major League Baseball…

The General Specific. An ode to generalists everywhere.

It used to be an agency professional was expected to be a generalist in the specifics of marketing and advertising. It was understood that it’s impossible for a creative, AE or media planner to know everything about everything. Sure, you better know media buying, strategy and creative but no one…

Why your advertising sucks part 9 – you’re bogged down in the technology

Back in the 50s, cutting edge advertising was inspired by science and research. Agencies like Ted Bates studied consumer behavior and attempted to manipulate consumers consumers into buying products with science rather than inspiring them thoughtful communication. Fortunately Bill Bernbach and the creative revolution came along and showed us a…

The end of the creative industrial complex

When Arcade Fire took home record of the year Sunday, a lot of people made note that an indie upstart, not associated with a big label was able to write, perform and produce, all by themselves, the best album of the year. Unlike the "Lady," they didn't need the big…

2010 predictions. A look back.

Last year I went out on a limb and made some predictions about the year to come. It has now passed. Well, what do I have to say for myself? Some of the predictions were wrong, some were right, and some were easy. Let's start with the easy. "The kids…

Creative in the age of measurement.

New post on agency blog: The digital age has added a new responsibility to the creative’s job. It used to be that we just had to be funny, smart, and on target. Now we have to be measurable, and we must create content with measurement in mind. While this certainly…

It’s OK to be an idiot. Sometimes.

In the age of social media, everybody want to be an expert and nobody ever wants to be an idiot. Ones idiocy could be on their permanent Twitter-record after all. But I'd like to stand up and say it's OK to be an idiot, at least sometimes. Early in my…

Top 10 things about being an advertising copywriter.

More than a few of my posts have been about the difficulties of working in advertising these days. It's always been a competitive industry with high burn out and turn over. But it's been even worse lately thanks to the economy and the rapid change in technology. But there are…

Where is Alex’s chorus? Or the triangle of ad deprevity.

Imagine a triangle. On one side is pushing tobacco. The other side is glamorizing gambling. And the last side is exploiting children. When I started my career this was the terrain I promised myself I would never work. And I never have. And, frankly, my moral compass hasn't wavered much…

Why your advertising sucks part 7. You forgot why you hired your agency.

Some people who get divorced from or break up with a lover often talk about how they forgot why they ever got involved with their special someone in the first place. Or they just wonder what happened to the love. As if it was a magical thing that came and…