It takes more than a wow to keep people excited
- Image by danorbit. via Flickr
The latest technology to get people all hot and bothered in mobile web marketing is augmented reality.
Because the technology is so new we don’t require any creativity from the people employing the medium other than than just using it proficiently. This is going to change rapidly with all Web 2.0, social media, and mobile tools and applications. The wow factor will wear off and people will demand more for their attention.
Shortly after the Lumiere brothers created moving pictures, Thomas Edison toured the country with a short movies of a train and a horse running. People didn’t even need music they were so amazed at what was happening before them. Today, the audience demands more. Give them a lame plot, line, or special effect and they will Tweet about it to the detriment of the box office.
Ever see those early television commercials? They were bad. Comically bad even. But there was little competition and no one really knew what a good TV spot was until the creative revolution in the 60s. Now a great TV spot can affect pop culture as deeply as a popular TV show or even a Academy Award winning movie.
Some day this will be true of social media and interactive marketing efforts. For now we have Web memes. Soon Web marketing efforts will take on the same relevance in society as traditional ones. And when it does, it won’t be because someone came up with another cool technology, but because we finally figured out something really creative, engaging, and relevant to do with it.
Posted on: October 29, 2009, by : Jimmy Gilmore