Time to stop pussy footing, creative folks.
- Image by musha68000 via Flickr
I’m a copywriter and also a social media guy. So a post by Jim Mitchem got me fired up last week. And it also got me thinking about the role that creative folks are playing in the social space right now. The reality is we’re not doing all that much right now. In fact, a lot of what I’m doing in the social space has more to do with coaching and cheer leading than it does being creative.
So I think the time for the best in my field, copywriters and art directors, to help transform social media to a more creative space over the next couple of years. Right now, clients are still just talking about spending big bucks on social media and we in the agency world, are still trying to get them to actually pony up the agency fees required to have a senior creative do something transformative. And I can’t wait.
Right now the inspiring and creative things are coming from developers and technical innovators. But sooner or later the wizzbang excitement is going to be gone and we’re going to need these tools to be distributing engaging content. The creatives role will be to step up and make make this interesting, exciting and well, creative.
Back in the early days of film, audiences were happy to sit through a screening of a horse running and train chugging along a track. And they were actually afraid they were going to get hit by the train. It was damn exciting stuff for people who had never seen anything like it before. After a few years though, the same audiences started demanding a story. And directors like Eisenstein and DW Griffin delivered with Battleship Potemkin and Birth of a Nation.
Web 2.0 is delivering us the tools to be creative in entirely new ways and it’s now up to us to figure out how make the most of it. Yes there have been some interesting projects and I hope it won’t be till the One Show and D&AD create an award for Twitter before we see the full power of advertising creativity unleashed on the space. Let’s not wait, lets start moving the ball now. It can never hurt to get ahead of everyone else.