Why your advertising sucks part 8 – You don’t think it’s advertising anymore

There’s been a mass hysteria in the blogosphere for the last couple years. People are claiming that advertising is dead, the world has changed, and the only way to truly communicate a meaningful message to your consumer is to use social media. In this scenario, the forward thinking Social Media agency or a Digital Agency slays the traditional dinosaur agency.

Like Mark Twain’s own death, the reports of advertising’s death have been premature. Data is now showing revenue growth for agency holding companies and multimillion-dollar ad space is being gobbled up for the Superbowl once again. What gives?

Rather, nothing gave. Sure a few dollars were diverted to digital and social media agencies while budget were cut at traditional shops. Why, because the marketers who actually looked at consumer behavior they found that people haven’t given up TV for Facebook. They’re actually doing both, sometimes even at the same time.

Yet, in the press, the blogosphere, and at conferences technology has been the hero for the last couple years. This has led many well meaning marketing executives to think they’re experiencing a seismic shift in not only budgets but how they’re supposed to execute strategy and messaging too.

So let’s reiterate this – Facebook is not a strategy. But it can be a highly-effective tool for some businesses to reach their consumers.

Strategy still begins with your product or service and your customer. Carts don’t function very well with the horse in the rear. Neither we will your marketing.

Posted on: January 26, 2011, by :