Idol Predictomatic. Social media monitoring American Idol prediction.
I haven’t watched much of American Idol. I’m really not a fan of the signing but I am a fan of using social media to predict popularity contests. So lets give it a go.
First lets look at sentiment. Seems my taste for indie rock (and not pop ballads) isn’t shared by everyone. Sentiment for these folks is pretty darn positive. And positive in almost the exact same numbers. Bowersox get’ one percentage point on DeWyze. And negative sentiment is exactly the same.
But the story doesn’t end there. Since this is a popularity contest, the winner is going to need more buzz about them.
And it looks like over time DeWyze has had an advantage over Bowersox. And last week DeWyze was able make significant gains.
Looking at the percentage of posts ratio, in combination with a tie on sentiment, I think this is pretty safe call for DeWyze. So I’m going on record here for DeWyze.
Posted on: May 26, 2010, by : Jimmy Gilmore