Is your ad shop a process agency or a revenue agency?

I've worked at some of the best agencies in the country and some of the crappiest. Mostly as writer in the creative department and a lot of times as a freelance writer. Maybe surprisingly, at both good agencies and mediocre ones you're bound to be surrounded by talented people. Heck,…

Writers: If you haven’t written it, you haven’t thought it.

Back in college, I was explaining to a professor, in great detail, how I was eventually going to write my term paper. I explained I had it all thought out and I just needed to sit down and write it. Easy. His response was, "If you haven't haven't written it,…

Video Content Marketing: Who is it for?

A lot of marketing professionals wonder if video content marketing is something they want to bother with. It can seem like a lot of money and work. I won't say that everyone has to do it, heck there are always exceptions to rules, but every marketer should at least thoughtfully…

The agency holiday card done differently

During my agency days, every year the creative department would "gang bang" on a "Christmas card." Which later became the holiday card. And then became the digital holiday card. And then the holiday video. (I can safely say that many agencies should have stuck with cards.) The idea is to…

You really are undervalued. That’s the good news.

For us work a day folks in the media and marketing professions we're in a wage depression. (Yeah, we really should be using the d word and not the r word.) If your name isn't a household brand or you at least have meetings in the c-suite, likely your wages…

Top 10 bad reasons to fire a client

We've all had bad clients. Some are just annoying and some are abusive and deserve to be fired. Here's a list that may help you tell the difference. 1) They're plain stupid. If they don't get it or don't understand what you're trying to explain to them maybe it's your…

Media disruption continues but is it slowing?

In the last several years we've seen an startling amount of next big things coming and going in the social media space. To name a few that looked poised to change the Web forever. Google Wave Gowalla Posterous Digg iTunes Ping StumbleUpon Flavors of the day change but vanilla…

Five tips for video shoots with celebrity clients

If you work in advertising and marketing long enough you will eventually find yourself working a celebrity shoot. And almost always, celebrities are not like the rest of us. Their lives are different and therefore they must be treated differently on set. Here are a couple pointers. 1) Most have…

New URL for

Do you want to know what happens when you pay your domain registration late with certain domain providers? First, they won't take your money Second, they come up with a bunch of expensive charges Thrird, they won't release your domain I'm sure this nets them a lot of cash from…

Goodbye 2012. What a year it’s been.

2012 has been a pretty good year for me. Not without it's challenges but personally and professionally I have to say through hard work things going well. The industry as a whole doesn't seem a whole lot healthier anecdotally. Agencies are still seem slow to hire four plus years after…