Category: art direction
A non-traditional Super Bowl Post Mortem. Or a reminder for the peanut gallery.
Hey Asshole in the Peanut Gallery from last night's #AdBowl, According to your tweet, you really hated the spot for XXXX last night. That creative team really blew their shot on the big stage of the Super Bowl. Man, if you had a chance to wow the tens of millions…
What’s your creative origin story?
Who are you and where did you come from? This is a powerful question that we often use to describe ourselves to ourselves and to others. It can have a profound impact on how we treat others, others treat us and how we treat ourselves. This is profoundly important on…
Breaking writer’s block
I've worked as a writer/ad creative and producer for over 20 years. Needless to say, I've felt blocked more than a few times. The most important thing about breaking writer's block is not to freak out. It's called writer's block because we all experience it from time to time and…