Category: copywriting
Great big exciting changes in the next couple weeks
I don't usually blog about personal things. I usually post about personal stuff on Facebook. But this is one of those few times that the personal and professional are one. Over the last couple years my professional direction has changed slightly. No longer just writing copy for ads and social…
The ad agency baseball team analogy – how agencies are really run
There's an analogy I've been tossing around for a few years to just about any ad pro that will listen. And yes, there are exceptions to my little theory so just take it for what it's worth - a little fun. Most large ad agencies are like Major League Baseball…
A few words on SEO
On the way to the office this morning I heard a report on NPR about a web retailer who was upset about the Google Panda update. The article on NPR even casts Google as a bad guy of sorts. I really think this is unfair. Google has extensive documentation on…
The long and painful death of the “writer” copywriter
It's not new to complain about the craft of writing being under assault. I'm sure when the printing press was invented monks everywhere were cursing Gutenberg's terrible invention. These days, writers in the ad world are called upon less and less to be simply professional and proficient writers. But I…