The empathetic copywriter

Could you write about how it feels to be a new mother if you were a 55 year old man? Could you truly understand a 35-year-old blue collar man's perspective if you were a 25-year-old african american woman? Could you understand the needs of tiger mom if you were a…

Top 10 bad reasons to fire a client

We've all had bad clients. Some are just annoying and some are abusive and deserve to be fired. Here's a list that may help you tell the difference. 1) They're plain stupid. If they don't get it or don't understand what you're trying to explain to them maybe it's your…

Time and space shifing – or it’s not about the iPad

Image by Getty Images via Daylife When it comes to media consumption, my kids don't understand time and space the way I do.  For them, a program is on when they turn it on. The idea of being in a certain place at a certain time to watch their favorite…

What tribe are you? Tribalization of media and audiance.

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"][/caption] I was recently asked what was the biggest change in the last decade. I thought: easy, tribilization. Marshall McLuhan predicted it and it happened. People feel more connected these days but actually they're less connected as a whole. They're now organically building tribes…