27 tips for business tweeters. Or a Twitter cheat sheet.

Image via CrunchBase A few months ago a client asked for a cheat sheet on how to uses social media tools. Here's more or less what I gave them on Twitter. See something important missing, let me know and I'll add it. Note: This list isn't a substitute for a…

Fat guys now just fat guys online. Or where did all the hot-nerdy-online-women-with-male-personalities go?

Image by Jonathan Harford via Flickr Not so long ago, back when Second Life was the next coming, the common belief was people didn't want to be themselves online. They wanted to be someone better, someone a different sex, someone with a better job and more money or all of…

Social Media good energy vs hippie crystals and social media posers

Image by TitaniumDreads via Flickr I'm going to date myself. When I was in college, in the late 80s, The Grateful Dead were having their second hey day. People were sick of hard-core punk and were ready for an acid flashback and some Quaaludes. This meant too many bongs and…

Brands in social media don’t need to be too friendly. But they better damn sell me.

Image by cromacom via Flickr So much of what is discussed in social media revolves around engagement in terms of interacting with the brand as one would a friend. What we forget is there have been offline models for decades, and even centuries, of how business relationships should work -…

Blogging transparency is mostly BS. And that’s good.

Image by DavidErickson via Flickr Edit note: I know some folks are going to say I'm missing the point or I'm redefining the term. I'm writing this because I feel like it has to be said. Blogger transparency is mostly bull squeeze. Fellow bloggers, you may feel open and transparent…

So what about Google Buzz?

Image via CrunchBase Yesterday Google launched Google Buzz with a "so what" that rang much clearer but with less of a let down than last weeks iPad introduction. It's not fully activated so I haven't used it on my desktop Gmail yet (yes, I activated it) but it is working…

Evaluating Social Media Monitoring Tools. Do I really need all that?

Image by Getty Images via Daylife This post is the over-due follow up to this one. It took awhile to write not just because I've been busy but because I wanted to add to the conversation when other people have already written great comparisons of the social media tools available. Plus there…

Top 10 signs you’re a douchey agency type?

Image by Tacit Requiem via Flickr Now more than ever, we agency professionals cannot afford to have cliche' agency jerks among our ranks. There's enough tension with clients and providers thanks to the economic hardships. So please, if you recognize any of these behaviors as something you or your colleagues…

Managing the noise. What to do about Twitter overload.

Image via Wikipedia So you have already drunk the Twitter Koolaide. You've been tweeting awhile and now you have a few hundred followers and are following more people than you can keep track of using Twitter.com on your browser. And you're beginning to feel that you're probably not getting all…

The risk reward index. Or are you trying hard enough to embarras yourself?

Back in the days when I used to produce a lot of television spots, I sat through hundreds and hundreds of the most awkward auditions. Some were more like an American Idol outtakes show than you'd like to believe. Why? Because actors are willing to take huge risks to get…