Tag: Ad Agency
Everything is opaque in the age of transparency and authenticity
Today, every brand wants to have an ethos of authenticity and a transparent culture. They're all claiming to be responsible green and sustainable. Or maybe it's all well-crafted bullshit sentimentality. Afterall, how can you really know what a company's management really thinks? Newsweek lists the top 10 US Green Companies this…
Hey, Creatives! Do you know what your job is?
A lot of ad creatives (and my students) think their job is to create the best damn creative humanly possible on every single assignment they get. That's awesome and I get it. It's also a good long-term career goal. You've got to always be selling improving your portfolio and track…
Is your ad shop a process agency or a revenue agency?
I've worked at some of the best agencies in the country and some of the crappiest. Mostly as writer in the creative department and a lot of times as a freelance writer. Maybe surprisingly, at both good agencies and mediocre ones you're bound to be surrounded by talented people. Heck,…
You really are undervalued. That’s the good news.
For us work a day folks in the media and marketing professions we're in a wage depression. (Yeah, we really should be using the d word and not the r word.) If your name isn't a household brand or you at least have meetings in the c-suite, likely your wages…
Top 10 bad reasons to fire a client
We've all had bad clients. Some are just annoying and some are abusive and deserve to be fired. Here's a list that may help you tell the difference. 1) They're plain stupid. If they don't get it or don't understand what you're trying to explain to them maybe it's your…
Media disruption continues but is it slowing?
In the last several years we've seen an startling amount of next big things coming and going in the social media space. To name a few that looked poised to change the Web forever. Google Wave Gowalla Posterous Del.li.cious Digg iTunes Ping StumbleUpon Flavors of the day change but vanilla…
New URL for jimmy-gilmore.com
Do you want to know what happens when you pay your domain registration late with certain domain providers? First, they won't take your money Second, they come up with a bunch of expensive charges Thrird, they won't release your domain I'm sure this nets them a lot of cash from…
Being a great creative won’t make you a great agency owner. Or 10 reasons why creative shops fail.
If I had a nickle for everytime a creative agency failed in this town. Then I wouldn't need to be in a creative business. But I am in the creative business and am currently on my third start up of my own and have also worked at two other start…
Ten things I never thought I’d learn as a copywriter
One of the great things about being an advertising creative is that you get to learn something new everyday. It's often something about a client's business that's far afield of one's normal interest. It could be something mundane like an arcane law that governs a business or a manufacturing process,…
The great camera shootout – What it means for agency producers and creatives
Recently Zacuto, a cinema gear company finished it's Great Camera Shootout 2. They tested many of the most popular cameras now used in commercial production as well as 35 negative film. The results were surprising to some and proof for the initiated. But what does it really mean to those…