Tag: advertising agency
A non-traditional Super Bowl Post Mortem. Or a reminder for the peanut gallery.
Hey Asshole in the Peanut Gallery from last night's #AdBowl, According to your tweet, you really hated the spot for XXXX last night. That creative team really blew their shot on the big stage of the Super Bowl. Man, if you had a chance to wow the tens of millions…
Mr. Clean and I had a falling out. I’m not sure it’s gonna be OK.
Sometimes you just want a relationship to go back to when it was simple. But things are rarely simple these days. There's so many ways we interact these days with social media being so important to everyone. It used to be you could just turn things off and chill at…
The issues don’t matter: The election explained by an advertising guy
In advertising we deal with competing brands all the time. Logically thinking, you might assume that one brand really is better than another. But if facts and logic where what consumers were in the market for each product category would have one dominate brand and everyone else would just get…
The ubiquitous yard sign. The election explained by a creative director.
I'm sure you've never been influenced by a political yard sign. Never. I mean, there's nothing to them but Clinton/Kaine or Trump/Pence. I suppose some of them may say "I'm with her" or "MAGA." But there's no real message there right? Just names. But according to what we know in…
You really are undervalued. That’s the good news.
For us work a day folks in the media and marketing professions we're in a wage depression. (Yeah, we really should be using the d word and not the r word.) If your name isn't a household brand or you at least have meetings in the c-suite, likely your wages…
Top 10 bad reasons to fire a client
We've all had bad clients. Some are just annoying and some are abusive and deserve to be fired. Here's a list that may help you tell the difference. 1) They're plain stupid. If they don't get it or don't understand what you're trying to explain to them maybe it's your…
The ad agency baseball team analogy – how agencies are really run
There's an analogy I've been tossing around for a few years to just about any ad pro that will listen. And yes, there are exceptions to my little theory so just take it for what it's worth - a little fun. Most large ad agencies are like Major League Baseball…
2010 predictions. A look back.
Last year I went out on a limb and made some predictions about the year to come. It has now passed. Well, what do I have to say for myself? Some of the predictions were wrong, some were right, and some were easy. Let's start with the easy. "The kids…
Where is Alex’s chorus? Or the triangle of ad deprevity.
Imagine a triangle. On one side is pushing tobacco. The other side is glamorizing gambling. And the last side is exploiting children. When I started my career this was the terrain I promised myself I would never work. And I never have. And, frankly, my moral compass hasn't wavered much…
Are “digital” creatives the future for traditional shops?
There's been a lot of discussion lately about what the future's creative department should look like and who it should be headed by. Do traditional shops need to get rid of their old guard and make way for leaders and practitioners steeped in the traditions of the digital shops? Surely…