Top 10 bad reasons to fire a client

We've all had bad clients. Some are just annoying and some are abusive and deserve to be fired. Here's a list that may help you tell the difference. 1) They're plain stupid. If they don't get it or don't understand what you're trying to explain to them maybe it's your…

Media disruption continues but is it slowing?

In the last several years we've seen an startling amount of next big things coming and going in the social media space. To name a few that looked poised to change the Web forever. Google Wave Gowalla Posterous Digg iTunes Ping StumbleUpon Flavors of the day change but vanilla…

Being a great creative won’t make you a great agency owner. Or 10 reasons why creative shops fail.

If I had a nickle for everytime a creative agency failed in this town. Then I wouldn't need to be in a creative business. But I am in the creative business and am currently on my third start up of my own and have also worked at two other start…

Bending the triangle. Great production quality in an unreasonable market.

In the agency world and production it's long been a trope that there's a triangle with three sides named good, fast and cheap. You can have any two sides but you can't have all three. Agency professionals understand this just as well as those of us on the production side.…

Earned media hype. Or are you being sold a bill of goods?

Do you want a substantial social media audience? One that can move the needle and advocate for your brand? Then you're going to have to pay for it. The recent craze for earned media I believe is misleading. Sure, a great deal of work can yield some decent results. But…

Video and search. Why it matters.

Do you know what the second largest search engine is? No, it's not Bing. Yahoo? Nah. It's YouTube. Yeah, really. Did you know that almost half of search results yeild video thumbnails? And as you might guess, those thumbnails tend to get clicked on. Is it time to get serious about…

2011 – A retrospective

2011 was destined to be the year of mobile. Why? Because "this year" has been for the predicted to be the year of mobile for the last 10 years. With the explosive growth in tablets in the last year it's safe to say it finally, truly was the year of…

Content creation is no longer a one screen process

Most single-media projects I've worked on in the last few years have included an afterthought. "Wouldn't it be great to use this ______." Fortunately I tend to over shoot things and have had the creative ability to find solutions for these afterthoughts. But the average commercial production these days usually…

Fluid Films Vision Part 2. Technology has changed everything

For the last 50 years, advertising broadcast and video production has been an outsourced process that utilizes a vast amount of agency billable hours, vendors and freelancers while providing little direct control over the process for the client. It's not uncommon for a commercial shoot to rival a movie production…

Great big exciting changes in the next couple weeks

I don't usually blog about personal things. I usually post about personal stuff on Facebook. But this is one of those few times that the personal and professional are one. Over the last couple years my professional direction has changed slightly. No longer just writing copy for ads and social…