Why your advertising sucks. Part one: Trust.

Image by thorinside via Flickr You probably agree that most advertising isn't creatively great or even good. From the outside, one might think it's a business filled with dumb, untalented people serving marketing departments filled with bean counters who couldn't care less if their dollars are producing a fetid mess.…

Casting calls are humbling. And not just for actors.

Image by Hollywood Poodle via Flickr I've just spent the last four days watching casting for a series of videos we're creating for one of our clients. Every time I watch a casting session it's a mix of emotions - embarrassment, awe, passion, gratitude, wonder, and of course, thanks. Usually…

Channel your passion. Just don’t necessarily listen to it.

Image via Wikipedia My fist hit the table this morning. I was feeling passionate. Really passionate about my work. It's an empowering thing – feeling so passionate about what you do that you're willing to sacrafice your hand. The one you use to write with, which is how you make…

Shattered. It’s time to re-imagine.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="240" caption="Image by c@rljones via Flickr"][/caption] I don't know a single person in my profession of advertising, or in an ancillary field, who isn't working much harder for the same or less money then they were a few years ago. Most industries have been hit real hard.…

Look Pa, the Internets all grown up. Or if you’re an traditional ad agency, you just might be f’d.

Image via Wikipedia 70% of your target audience uses the mobile web %50 is on FB %60 reads blogs %50 watch online video regularly 30% is on Twitter Only 12% watch American Idol Ed. Note: This is not a far fetched Are you really going to run another television campaign…

The creative strategy (or lack there of). Making your advertising make sense.

Image by batega via Flickr One of the benefits of working as a creative freelancer for seven years is I got to see how different agencies brief their clients and creative teams on how they're planning to achieve advertising goals. Ideally, all this information is boiled down in a magical…

Top 10 signs you’re a douchey agency type?

Image by Tacit Requiem via Flickr Now more than ever, we agency professionals cannot afford to have cliche' agency jerks among our ranks. There's enough tension with clients and providers thanks to the economic hardships. So please, if you recognize any of these behaviors as something you or your colleagues…

Hey junior, wanna avoid producing #$2=@!. Or how to sell good work.

Image by Slightlynorth via Flickr Fact of life, junior creative: not every client is going to buy your great work. Some will just wear you down until what finally runs is just bad. Why? Politics, bad taste, stupidity, or just plain arrogance. And in a good economy, great agencies fire…

Time to stop pussy footing, creative folks.

Image by musha68000 via Flickr I'm a copywriter and also a social media guy. So a post by Jim Mitchem got me fired up last week. And it also got me thinking about the role that creative folks are playing in the social space right now. The reality is we're…

Managing the noise. What to do about Twitter overload.

Image via Wikipedia So you have already drunk the Twitter Koolaide. You've been tweeting awhile and now you have a few hundred followers and are following more people than you can keep track of using Twitter.com on your browser. And you're beginning to feel that you're probably not getting all…