Tag: art direction
A non-traditional Super Bowl Post Mortem. Or a reminder for the peanut gallery.
Hey Asshole in the Peanut Gallery from last night's #AdBowl, According to your tweet, you really hated the spot for XXXX last night. That creative team really blew their shot on the big stage of the Super Bowl. Man, if you had a chance to wow the tens of millions…
Hey, Creatives! Do you know what your job is?
A lot of ad creatives (and my students) think their job is to create the best damn creative humanly possible on every single assignment they get. That's awesome and I get it. It's also a good long-term career goal. You've got to always be selling improving your portfolio and track…
Hey junior, wanna avoid producing #$2=@!. Or how to sell good work.
Image by Slightlynorth via Flickr Fact of life, junior creative: not every client is going to buy your great work. Some will just wear you down until what finally runs is just bad. Why? Politics, bad taste, stupidity, or just plain arrogance. And in a good economy, great agencies fire…