Tag: Business
You really are undervalued. That’s the good news.
For us work a day folks in the media and marketing professions we're in a wage depression. (Yeah, we really should be using the d word and not the r word.) If your name isn't a household brand or you at least have meetings in the c-suite, likely your wages…
Ten things I never thought I’d learn as a copywriter
One of the great things about being an advertising creative is that you get to learn something new everyday. It's often something about a client's business that's far afield of one's normal interest. It could be something mundane like an arcane law that governs a business or a manufacturing process,…
From the agency blog: Nine reasons the media revolution is really an evolution.
A recent article I wrote for my former employer's blog: Studios are reporting the biggest Memorial Day weekend ever. Why is this important? The advertising industry is consumed these days with articles about the “changing” media landscape, detailing why it will never be the same. While it’s important that we…
The General Specific. An ode to generalists everywhere.
It used to be an agency professional was expected to be a generalist in the specifics of marketing and advertising. It was understood that it’s impossible for a creative, AE or media planner to know everything about everything. Sure, you better know media buying, strategy and creative but no one…
It’s OK to be an idiot. Sometimes.
In the age of social media, everybody want to be an expert and nobody ever wants to be an idiot. Ones idiocy could be on their permanent Twitter-record after all. But I'd like to stand up and say it's OK to be an idiot, at least sometimes. Early in my…
Top 10 things about being an advertising copywriter.
More than a few of my posts have been about the difficulties of working in advertising these days. It's always been a competitive industry with high burn out and turn over. But it's been even worse lately thanks to the economy and the rapid change in technology. But there are…
The Rockstar Complex
One of the great things about social media is how it can connect you with thousands of people you would otherwise never know. This makes it easy to be exposed to new things, learn from them and become more informed and smarter about business every single day. Indeed, social media…
The business of Art
When I first started in the ad business I couldn't decide if I was an artist, a craftsman, or a hack. Now I've come to realize that I'm all of those at the same time, maybe even on the same day. It may be a creative business, but business it…
Why your advertising sucks part 7. You forgot why you hired your agency.
Some people who get divorced from or break up with a lover often talk about how they forgot why they ever got involved with their special someone in the first place. Or they just wonder what happened to the love. As if it was a magical thing that came and…
Gordon Ramsey – Epic Creative Director
I'm not really the biggest fan of his or even watch his shows too often but I do find him a curious spectacle. Mostly because he exemplifies what so wrong and right about leaders in the creative fields. First top five of what's right wrong with his creative leadership. 1)…