Tag: Business
Turning the tables at the agency with social media
Probably the most fun thing about the agency embracing social media has been the internal learning around the agency's blog. Along with Jonathan, I play a central role in editing and administrating it. Being a copywriter, you may think I'm going "yeah, it's funny to see an AE struggle with…
Top 10 signs you’re a waiter and not ad professional
Image by jm3 via Flickr There's a kind of deviant you can find in lurking in most ad agencies. Sometimes they've made it to the top, sometimes they're just bottom dwellers but they rarely have a passion for what an agency actually produces – creative solutions to business problem. But…
Why your advertising sucks part 3: You think people are stupid.
Image by byzantin3 via Flickr David Ogilvy said 40 years ago "the consumer is not a moron, she's your wife." It seems not everyone listened because the industry continues to insult her. Ogilvy's quip may be one of the most quoted phrases in marketing and advertising but marketers often don't…
Why your advertising sucks part 2. The power of no.
What's worse than a yes man? Easy. A no man. (Or even a no woman.) Corporate culture breeds them just as incessantly as yes men. And, unfortunately, so do many large advertising agencies. OK. So who is the "no person?" And how do they make your advertising suck? Imagine a…
What’s your frequency?
Image by PunkJr via Flickr I'm writing this from "video village" on the set of a video and print production in LA. I've been really, really busy with this campaign so I haven't had time to blog as much this last week. So what better time to address blogging frequency…
When uncertainty makes things hard, become elastic
Image by pt via Flickr The world is a scary place when no one knows what's going to happen next. All the models that told us how the economy and markets would behave aren't working. It's time for all of us to change but no one knows exactly how. But…
Social media policies and why you need one
Image by Getty Images via Daylife Just because you're not ready for social media marketing doesn't mean you can put off establishing a social media policy for your business. Your employees and customers are already active on social networks, sooner or later they'll engage. Article continues on the Kilgannon Says…
Shattered. It’s time to re-imagine.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="240" caption="Image by c@rljones via Flickr"][/caption] I don't know a single person in my profession of advertising, or in an ancillary field, who isn't working much harder for the same or less money then they were a few years ago. Most industries have been hit real hard.…