Tag: marketing
Shattered. It’s time to re-imagine.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="240" caption="Image by c@rljones via Flickr"][/caption] I don't know a single person in my profession of advertising, or in an ancillary field, who isn't working much harder for the same or less money then they were a few years ago. Most industries have been hit real hard.…
27 tips for business tweeters. Or a Twitter cheat sheet.
Image via CrunchBase A few months ago a client asked for a cheat sheet on how to uses social media tools. Here's more or less what I gave them on Twitter. See something important missing, let me know and I'll add it. Note: This list isn't a substitute for a…
Top 10 signs you’re a douchey agency type?
Image by Tacit Requiem via Flickr Now more than ever, we agency professionals cannot afford to have cliche' agency jerks among our ranks. There's enough tension with clients and providers thanks to the economic hardships. So please, if you recognize any of these behaviors as something you or your colleagues…
Halfway-serious webvertising predictions for 2010
Most predictions are either easy, safe, or just wrong. So why not add a few more to the list? I dare you to go on the record on which ones of these are wrong. Mobile Web will become even bigger. The kids will continue to text at an alarming rate…
White elephants, advertising, and interactive and social media marketing
[caption id="attachment_319" align="alignleft" width="392" caption="Are you prepared for the risk?"][/caption] Today we're doing our annual white elephant gift exchange. It can be a blast if you end up with a nice bottle of wine or an iTunes gift card. However, the unlucky end up with garden gnomes and REO Speedwagon…
Quick take on BlogWell
As an agency professional, I really enjoyed BlogWell. It provided a great insight into how social media efforts are viewed, integrated, and deployed by big brands. There was a lot of learning to be had from the individual presenters which I'll go into in a later post. But there were…
How much should you have to give to get?
Like all parents of young children, I hate, hate, hate how much it costs to keep my kids in diapers. So when I opened a new pack of Huggies® I was happy to be notified I possibly had won a lifetime supply. All I had to do was fill out…
Whatever it is you’re great at, something else is probably needed
The early part of my career was easy. Seemed like things just got better every year. I had my picture in CA Magazine within a few months of getting my first business cards printed. On my second job was as primary writer on the Oakley sunglasses business. My next job…