Top 10 signs you’re a douchey agency type?

Image by Tacit Requiem via Flickr Now more than ever, we agency professionals cannot afford to have cliche' agency jerks among our ranks. There's enough tension with clients and providers thanks to the economic hardships. So please, if you recognize any of these behaviors as something you or your colleagues…

Hey flash people, it’s a mobile world

I'm just about over Flash forever. I once heard flash refered to as it as the "flashy gold chain of the internet." I tend to agree – especially when it's used for a site intro. But I am guilty of using it on sites in the past, some of which…

Social media monitoring software selection: Why we chose Social Radar.

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="250"] Image via CrunchBase[/caption] At Kilgannon, we've made the decision to use Social Radar as our new social media monitoring tool. We did not take this decision lightly. We also scoured the blogs and websites. We also asked partner organizations which tools they were using and then…

Google Wave is not a replacement for email. Or a case for Gmail.

Finally got my Wave invite and I have a first impression. Google has made the case that Wave is what email would have been been had it been built with today's technology. But Google Wave strikes me more as a collaboration tool rather than a replacement for email. Frankly, I…