Tag: TV
Bending the triangle. Great production quality in an unreasonable market.
In the agency world and production it's long been a trope that there's a triangle with three sides named good, fast and cheap. You can have any two sides but you can't have all three. Agency professionals understand this just as well as those of us on the production side.…
From the agency blog: Nine reasons the media revolution is really an evolution.
A recent article I wrote for my former employer's blog: Studios are reporting the biggest Memorial Day weekend ever. Why is this important? The advertising industry is consumed these days with articles about the “changing” media landscape, detailing why it will never be the same. While it’s important that we…
Halfway-serious webvertising predictions for 2010
Most predictions are either easy, safe, or just wrong. So why not add a few more to the list? I dare you to go on the record on which ones of these are wrong. Mobile Web will become even bigger. The kids will continue to text at an alarming rate…
Is content the future of advertising?
Image by neonihil via Flickr I'm writing this from the set. I'm a day and a half into the production of a series of informational videos for a B2B client. Trust me, if you're not in the automotive wholesale remarketing business, you probably won't ever want to see them. And…
Think TV Is Dead? You must still be looking at the idiot box.
I can't tell you how many people have told me in the last year that TV is dead. Unlike the changes we're seeing in printed media, this couldn't be further from reality. Nevertheless, the way we're watching TV has changed. But there are some misconceptions about the way we're watching…
Four predictions on the future of advertising. Yes, there is one.
I've been spending a lot of time thinking about what's next. On both a personal level, for the agency where I work, and for the industry as a whole. One thing that's pretty darn obvious, things have already shifted. There have been several reports on industry spending and the shift…