Tag: Web 2.0
Managing the noise. What to do about Twitter overload.
Image via Wikipedia So you have already drunk the Twitter Koolaide. You've been tweeting awhile and now you have a few hundred followers and are following more people than you can keep track of using Twitter.com on your browser. And you're beginning to feel that you're probably not getting all…
What does real engagement mean? A change of mindset.
Engagement is a term that has been used so much in the last couple years by marketers it's starting to loose it's meaning. It's become a shorthand for do something "social." But engagement at it's best is an emotional involvement or commitment between two parties. Unfortunately, commitment is something many…
Halfway-serious webvertising predictions for 2010
Most predictions are either easy, safe, or just wrong. So why not add a few more to the list? I dare you to go on the record on which ones of these are wrong. Mobile Web will become even bigger. The kids will continue to text at an alarming rate…
Google Wave is not a replacement for email. Or a case for Gmail.
Finally got my Wave invite and I have a first impression. Google has made the case that Wave is what email would have been been had it been built with today's technology. But Google Wave strikes me more as a collaboration tool rather than a replacement for email. Frankly, I…
Jimmy’s Week on the InterWebs – August 21, 2009
Image via CrunchBase This is the first installment of Jimmy’s Week on the InterWebs. A very low-level look at what’s current and what I think would be interesting for agency folks that is happening on the Web. This may end up being a weekly blog article or it might not.…