Quick take on BlogWell

As an agency professional, I really enjoyed BlogWell. It provided a great insight into how social media efforts are viewed, integrated, and deployed by big brands. There was a lot of learning to be had from the individual presenters which I'll go into in a later post. But there were…

Think TV Is Dead? You must still be looking at the idiot box.

I can't tell you how many people have told me in the last year that TV is dead. Unlike the changes we're seeing in printed media, this couldn't be further from reality. Nevertheless, the way we're watching TV has changed. But there are some misconceptions about the way we're watching…

Don’t start your social media effort with a Facebook page

When initially discussing social media with clients, often the first thing brought up is using Twitter or Facebook as an outgoing tool to push their advertising messages. If you’re thinking about social media from a traditional marketing perspective, there’s nothing wrong with this concept. It’s obviously a cheap media buy,…

Four predictions on the future of advertising. Yes, there is one.

I've been spending a lot of time thinking about what's next. On both a personal level, for the agency where I work, and for the industry as a whole. One thing that's pretty darn obvious, things have already shifted. There have been several reports on industry spending and the shift…

Jimmy’s Week on the InterWebs 8-28-09

Posted late because, hey, I'm busy. I think this is the story of the week just because it's such a good example of both what is wrong and why there is hope for the social web. A PR firm, Reverb Communication, was busted for gaming the iPhone app store. They…

Ten things advertising people need to know about social media

Image via CrunchBase Notice this doesn't say "Top Ten." Just ten things, as a modest practitioner of copy and social media, I think aren't obvious to people coming to social media from advertising. I expect some people will have a few problems with this list. That should be expected, we…