Category: sound mixer
Audio for videographers
I'll share a little secret with you guys. I used to shoot a lot of video for corporations. That's how I got into this audio thing. I had clients that didn't want to pay for a second crew member so I had to figure audio out. This is not the…
16 bit vs 32 bit audio. What’s the big fuss?
As sound mixer, producer and video editor I've been responsible for many, many hours of production audio and making it work in film and TV and I've never been in a situation where I thought 32 bit audio was necessary. There is no appreciable difference for the finished film of…
Recommended production sound mixers
I have a deep bench of recommended production mixers to call when I am not available. If I'm not available please feel free to ask if I can recommend a solid second choice locally in Atlanta or elsewhere. Unfortunately, once may calendar fills up, there is no way I can…
Production Sound Report
When working on a production the sound mixer usually submits a report on what the recorded during the days shoot. This is called the sound report. This sound report is circulated to interested parties who might need the information once files are handed over at the end of the day…
Improving Production Sound
Improving production sound is usually a matter of understanding what to pay attention to and when to pay attention to it. It's a matter of awareness that young producers and inexperienced producers often don't have. Or, in some cases, location scouts fail to take note of: 1 Improving the location.…
Prepping location sound gear
For most larger productions, a mixer has a day or two for prepping location sound gear to ensure they will be ready for the day when they get to set. Most mixers own more sound gear than they bring to a typical job. Or they rent sound equipment that they…
I’m a guest on the Location Sound Podcast
Just as the Covid-19 crisis was setting hold, I logged on with Michael (The Sound Guy) Helms to discuss sound mixing and how the pandemic was affecting us in the production business for the Location Sound Podcast. Michael is great to talk to and knows his stuff when it comes…
The Location Sound Package
Unlike other department heads on production, the sound mixer is expected to bring all of the required gear to the job, we generally call this our location sound package. Depending on the type of work you do, this can be time consuming and expensive to maintain your gear inventory. Location…
How To Hire A Location Sound Mixer
Hiring a location sound recordist might feel like buying a pig in a poke to those not familiar with the sound department. I find most producers and PMs know only a little bit about the equipment and processes happening in the audio department where they're much more technically knowledgeable about…
Wireless Microphones In Today’s Crowded RF Spectrum
The radio spectrum for wireless microphones is getting really crowded. Really, really crowded. And if you're a producer you should be concerned. Wireless audio equipment. So why should you be concerned? Well because your production is likely a source of a lot of wireless pollution and potentially a could be…