Loose you inhibitions

My 3 year old had a ballet recital this weekend. It was awesome. 20 little girls just throwing it all out there for the sheer joy of doing something they enjoy. Big smiles on their faces and having the time of their short lives. Ballet is new to them and they’re finding great joy in […]

Faster copywriter! Kill! Kill! Or have ad agencies painted theseleves into a corner?

Gone are the days of the long lunches and concepting over beers. I have accepted it. The new norm is “I need it tomorrow.” Or, “do you think you can have something by end of day?” No self preserving account executive uses the word “no” anymore. This leaves us creative types pulling more and more […]

Social media monitoring software selection: Why we chose Social Radar.

A short post on why we selected Social Radar as our social media monitoring software.

Social media and my half marathon

Tomorrow I’m running the Atlanta Half Marathon. Back in my early 20s I would have been much better prepared for this effort. I was a competitive cyclist and didn’t have the same job and family commitments I do today. In fact, the old me would probably say that present me is ill prepared. So what […]

Is content the future of advertising?

Image by neonihil via Flickr I’m writing this from the set. I’m a day and a half into the production of a series of informational videos for a B2B client. Trust me, if you’re not in the automotive wholesale remarketing business, you probably won’t ever want to see them. And that’s totally fine. Over the […]

What I learned at BlogWell Atlanta

I’ve already posted on the 10,000 foot view, so I wanted to get at about what I actually learned BlogWell Atlanta. Andy Sernovitz had some important points on ethics and disclosure. He outlined dangers to a brand of not having clear, legal agreements with vendors acting on a brand’s behalf and opined that the new […]

Not every experience is valuable

Image by Rishi S via Flickr Why do people always say if you’ve had a particularly bad experience that you should “learn from it?” Do they really mean it? It’s not always possible to grow from something. Especially if that bad experience lasts longer than say five minutes. (I want to make it clear I’m […]

Google Wave is not a replacement for email. Or a case for Gmail.

Finally got my Wave invite and I have a first impression. Google has made the case that Wave is what email would have been been had it been built with today’s technology. But Google Wave strikes me more as a collaboration tool rather than a replacement for email. Frankly, I know a lot of people […]

Quick take on BlogWell

As an agency professional, I really enjoyed BlogWell. It provided a great insight into how social media efforts are viewed, integrated, and deployed by big brands. There was a lot of learning to be had from the individual presenters which I’ll go into in a later post. But there were a few 10,000-foot view take […]

Today is an off day

This was 7:30 AM. Just dropped off the girls and went for a short hike. Had nowhere to be for the rest of the day really. Taking a deep breath today. Hope you have a chance for one too. Have a great weekend.