Category: future
2011 – A retrospective
2011 was destined to be the year of mobile. Why? Because "this year" has been for the predicted to be the year of mobile for the last 10 years. With the explosive growth in tablets in the last year it's safe to say it finally, truly was the year of…
Fluid Films Vision Part 3 – Collaboration Is The New Competition
Ok, so I stole the "collaboration is the new competition" hook from Alex Bogusky, a true sage of our industry. You can read about his interpretations of this phrase on his site, but let me take a moment to explain how it affects my business operationally and one way I…
Great big exciting changes in the next couple weeks
I don't usually blog about personal things. I usually post about personal stuff on Facebook. But this is one of those few times that the personal and professional are one. Over the last couple years my professional direction has changed slightly. No longer just writing copy for ads and social…
From the Kilgannon Blog: Google+ is here. What should marketers do about it.
This article is reposted from KilgannonSays, my former employers blog. Last week the Twittersphere was all abuzz about Google+. A simple search shows the network already has 9 million users. Probably even more by the time you read this. My first impression is that it is no Google Wave, Apple…
Google Plus mania. Are we missing the forrest for the tree?
It seems when Google or Apple unveils some product the Twittersphere goes nuts for a few days or maybe a week. People have being flaming the comment streams and message boards over FCP X for the last week, Google Buzz was a huge topic of conversation for about three days.…
From the agency blog: Nine reasons the media revolution is really an evolution.
A recent article I wrote for my former employer's blog: Studios are reporting the biggest Memorial Day weekend ever. Why is this important? The advertising industry is consumed these days with articles about the “changing” media landscape, detailing why it will never be the same. While it’s important that we…
Cutting the cord. An adman living without cable.
It's been about a week now since I cut the cable off. Why? Several reasons actually. Lousy service and rising prices mainly. Not just from one company but from both of the providers that are available to me. And no, I'm not going to get a satellite dish – BTDT.…
The end of the creative industrial complex
When Arcade Fire took home record of the year Sunday, a lot of people made note that an indie upstart, not associated with a big label was able to write, perform and produce, all by themselves, the best album of the year. Unlike the "Lady," they didn't need the big…
2010 predictions. A look back.
Last year I went out on a limb and made some predictions about the year to come. It has now passed. Well, what do I have to say for myself? Some of the predictions were wrong, some were right, and some were easy. Let's start with the easy. "The kids…
Are we in a post-branding world?
Economic pressure has created a situation where marketers are asking for immediate results before they ask for perceived luxuries like brand recognition. Clients are demanding metrics that connect marketing to sales. Metrics for things like brand recognition are tough to tie to concrete things like sales and thus to ROI.…