So what about Google Buzz?

Image via CrunchBase Yesterday Google launched Google Buzz with a "so what" that rang much clearer but with less of a let down than last weeks iPad introduction. It's not fully activated so I haven't used it on my desktop Gmail yet (yes, I activated it) but it is working…

Monday morning ROI quarterbacking, ad Super Bowl of fiascos and some sentiment analysis

OK so you just dropped 2.5 million on media and another half million on production for what? Pissing off a of women who make up 52% of your demographic and influence almost every purchase on the planet. Great job Dodge, Bud Light, Dove. And Audi, really? Not like the Twitterverse…

Evaluating Social Media Monitoring Tools. Do I really need all that?

Image by Getty Images via Daylife This post is the over-due follow up to this one. It took awhile to write not just because I've been busy but because I wanted to add to the conversation when other people have already written great comparisons of the social media tools available. Plus there…

Social media and search. They go together like hot dogs and buns.

Image via Wikipedia Lets face it not everybody likes hot dogs or buns but it doesn't mean you can ignore either if you're trying to have a party. This is something I've been noticing gets messed up enough that it was worth writing about. The article is posted on the…

What tribe are you? Tribalization of media and audiance.

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"][/caption] I was recently asked what was the biggest change in the last decade. I thought: easy, tribilization. Marshall McLuhan predicted it and it happened. People feel more connected these days but actually they're less connected as a whole. They're now organically building tribes…

Time to stop pussy footing, creative folks.

Image by musha68000 via Flickr I'm a copywriter and also a social media guy. So a post by Jim Mitchem got me fired up last week. And it also got me thinking about the role that creative folks are playing in the social space right now. The reality is we're…

Managing the noise. What to do about Twitter overload.

Image via Wikipedia So you have already drunk the Twitter Koolaide. You've been tweeting awhile and now you have a few hundred followers and are following more people than you can keep track of using on your browser. And you're beginning to feel that you're probably not getting all…

What does real engagement mean? A change of mindset.

Engagement is a term that has been used so much in the last couple years by marketers it's starting to loose it's meaning. It's become a shorthand for do something "social." But engagement at it's best is an emotional involvement or commitment between two parties. Unfortunately, commitment is something many…

Halfway-serious webvertising predictions for 2010

Most predictions are either easy, safe, or just wrong. So why not add a few more to the list? I dare you to go on the record on which ones of these are wrong. Mobile Web will become even bigger. The kids will continue to text at an alarming rate…

Give yourself a holiday bonus

It's been a difficult year in advertising and marketing to say the least. The worst in my memory. And the memory of everyone I've talked to - even the old timers. Signs point to a recovery in the spring for most businesses but the agency business is always quicker to…